The Russian Blue
By Diana Doernberg
Originally published in The Cat Fanciers’ Almanac 1994
“Ever since the day in 1966 when my first Russian Blue female, CH Rasdedjan’s Ninouschka of Velva (Imp.), arrived from Sweden and stepped out of her custom-made wooden carrier, composed and eager to investigate her new surroundings, I have been completely captivated by this breed…”
The Russian Blue
by Peg Johnson
Originally published in The Cat Fanciers’ Almanac, June 2001
“Russian Blues, with their silver coats, flashing emerald eyes, and shy smiles, have captivated cat fanciers since the late 19th century. Their first recorded show appearance was at a London cat show in the Crystal Palace. A newspaper account of the show notes “a very handsome cat, coming from Archangel…particularly furry…. They resemble mostly the common wild grey rabbit.”…
Is the Russian Blue Truly Hypoallergenic?
Teresa Keiger, author
with approval by Barbara Schreck, Russian Blue Fanciers’ president
and Annette Wilson, Russian Blue Breed Council secretary 1-11-2020
“We have no idea how the idea that the Russian Blue cat is hypoallergenic got started—but it wasn’t from Russian Blue breeders. And if anyone would know about the workings of this remarkable breed, it would be the people who have lived with them for years 24/7. Let’s take a look at the mechanics of cat allergies, what factors can affect an allergic response, and why potential pet owners with pet allergies should take a hard and realistic look before getting a Russian Blue—or any cat.”…